The Proleptic Power of New Creation. Miracles 7
The proleptic power of new creation Jesus’ Resurrection as Prolepsis of New Creation ST 4147 Miracles 7 In past posts in this Patheos series on miracles, we’ve asked inter alia whether the Easter resurrection of Jesus was historical. In this post we’ll ask: is it eschatological? My answer will be affirmative. The raising of Jesus from the dead by God on the first Easter is a prolepsis of the eschatological new creation. Therefore, Jesus’ resurrection has cosmic meaning. In the previous post, “Is resurrection the ultimte miracle?,” we concluded: Rather than think that miracles break a law of nature, miracles actually break into nature with the laws of the new creation. Here we ask: what does this imply for creation and redemption? In light of God’s promised new creation, I believe we can interpret each of Jesus’ healing miracles as a prolepsis, as a historical moment that incarnates ahead of time the eschatological consummation of all God’s work with creation. Now, let’s stretch ou...